How to Get a Broken Key Out of the Ignition

Getting a broken key out of the ignition can be a frustrating experience, but with the right approach, it’s a problem that can be resolved efficiently. Whether your key snapped off due to wear and tear, a faulty ignition mechanism, or simply bad luck, there are several methods you can try to safely extract the broken key and get back on the road. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various techniques and tools to help you remove a broken key from the ignition without causing further damage.

1. Assess the Situation

Before attempting any extraction method, take a moment to assess the situation. Determine the extent of the key breakage and whether any portion of the key is still protruding from the ignition cylinder. If a portion of the key is visible, try to grasp it gently with needle-nose pliers or tweezers for easier removal. If the key is completely lodged inside the ignition, proceed to the next steps.

2. Lubricate the Keyhole

Apply a small amount of lubricant, such as graphite powder or silicone spray, to the keyhole. Lubrication can help loosen the broken key and facilitate its extraction. Allow the lubricant to penetrate the keyway for a few minutes before attempting to remove the key again.

3. Use a Key Extractor Tool

A key extractor tool is specifically designed for removing broken keys from locks, including ignition cylinders. Insert the key extractor into the keyhole alongside the broken key fragment and carefully maneuver it to hook onto the key’s teeth or grooves. Gently pull outward on the extractor tool to gradually dislodge the broken key from the ignition.

4. Try a Jigsaw Blade or Hacksaw Blade

If you don’t have a key extractor tool on hand, a jigsaw blade or hacksaw blade can serve as an effective alternative. Select a thin-bladed jigsaw or hacksaw blade and insert it into the keyhole alongside the broken key fragment. Use caution to avoid damaging the ignition cylinder or surrounding components. Once inserted, carefully maneuver the blade to hook onto the key’s teeth or grooves. Slowly pull outward on the blade to extract the broken key from the ignition.

5. Super Glue Method

The super glue method is a popular DIY technique for removing broken keys from locks. Apply a small amount of cyanoacrylate adhesive (super glue) to the end of a thin, rigid object, such as a toothpick or paperclip. Carefully insert the glue-coated end into the keyhole and press it against the broken key fragment. Hold the object in place for a few seconds to allow the glue to bond with the key fragment. Once the bond is secure, gently pull outward on the object to extract the broken key from the ignition. You can find out more at the link:

6. Seek Professional Assistance

If you’re unable to remove the broken key using DIY methods or if you’re concerned about causing damage to the ignition cylinder, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. An experienced locksmith or automotive technician will have the necessary tools and expertise to safely extract the broken key and assess the condition of the ignition system.

7. Preventative Measures

Once you’ve successfully removed the broken key from the ignition, take proactive measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Avoid using excessive force when turning the key, and be mindful of any signs of wear or damage to the key or ignition cylinder. Consider having a spare key made and keeping it in a safe place as a backup.

In conclusion, removing a broken key from the ignition may seem like a daunting task, but it’s a problem that can be resolved with patience and the right approach. By following the techniques outlined in this guide and taking preventative measures to safeguard your ignition system, you can effectively address key breakage issues and ensure smooth operation of your vehicle. If you encounter difficulty or are unsure about how to proceed, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from a qualified locksmith or automotive technician.