How female stimulants work
Women as well as men may need to use stimulants. That is why Viagra for women was developed. The drug contains sildenafil, which actively stimulates potency in both men and women. The active ingredient is designed to improve blood circulation in the groin area, so women have an active flow of blood to the pelvic organs. Also, the component is the reason for the increase in vaginal secretions. Thanks to the use of female Viagra, women feel an increase in the sensitivity of the genitals, and the orgasm after sex becomes simply indescribable.
The cost of arousal drugs in regular pharmacies can be too high. Therefore, representatives of both sexes prefer to buy generics – analogues of the original drug, the cost of which is much cheaper. The composition of the remedy includes the same components, the effect comes just as quickly as from the use of the originals. You can buy these drugs here
Main characteristics of female Viagra
Female Viagra is one of the most affordable drugs for getting rid of problems in bed.
- The effect of taking the drug will be noticeable in 0.5-1 hour after consumption;
- Viagra acts for 5 hours, a longer duration depends on the individual characteristics of the girl;
- The pills do not have a negative effect on the childbearing function;
- The product can be used to increase the level of lubrication;
- Viagra does not lead to disruption of hormonal background;
- It is impossible to get used to the pills;
- It is not recommended to use under the influence of alcohol.
Following the recommendations, it is possible to eliminate the main difficulties arising during sexual intercourse in 1 hour.

Recommendations for taking the pills
The dosage of the active ingredient in female Viagra is 100 mg. This amount of the component is enough to get the maximum effect. The remedy is available in tablet form. After studying the instructions, it becomes clear that it is best to wash down the tablets with water or juice. The maximum daily dose is 100 mg, exceeding the dosage can lead to side effects. The pill should be taken half an hour before the planned sexual intercourse. For the first time, half a tablet will be enough, and if the effect will not be achieved, the next time drink a double dose – 1 tablet. If a woman is going through menopause, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to take stimulating drugs. Female Viagra is not recommended for pregnant and lactating girls, as well as those who are allergic to the components of the drug. You can buy specialized medication at
Is oral sex necessary?
If the couple is not too harmonious and trusting relationship, many issues regarding sex may be forbidden. This means that the mate may not know about the desires and interests of his chosen one. Modest girls are afraid to seem too open, so they do not mention oral sex. But often it is the only way to have strong and vivid orgasms. Also, ladies may have a positive attitude toward bilateral oral caresses.